Forum Abstracts
Abstracts of Forum articles are available for the following issues of the The Classical Journal. The Full Text for these articles is available via JSTOR.
120.2 (Winter 2024)
- Simmons, R. H. "Possibilities of an Evolving Field as Reflected in Monmouth College's Classics Day"
120.1 (Fall 2024)
- Silvermintz, D. "Igniting A Spark: Fostering Dialectical Thinking with Plato’s Meno"
119.3 (Winter 2024)
- Phillips, R. L. "Introducing Superhero Tales into the Classroom: Greek Myth and the Changing Nature of Story"
118.1 (Fall 2022)
- Cameron, H. "Imagining Classics: Towards a Pedagogy of Gaming Reception"
117.3 (Winter 2022)
- Huskey, S. J. & Cayless, H. "The Digital Critical Apparatus: Thoughts from the Field"
117.2 (Winter 2021)
- O'Brien, C. S. "Introducing Renaissance Philosophy to the Undergraduate (Classics) Curriculum"
116.3 (Spring 2021)
- Goyette, M. "Found in Translation: Engendering Inclusive and Conscientious Pronoun Pedagogy in Ancient Greek and Latin Language Classrooms"
115.3/4 (Spring 2020)
- Bungard, C. and Deno, V. ""She Isn't Quiet Yet": Music, Medea and the Modern Classroom"
- Hardy, C., Walsh, L., Gruber-Miller, J., Thakur, S. and Ziskowski, A. ""The Classics Tuning Project": Competencies, Value and Visibility of the Classics at Small Liberal Arts Colleges"
115.2 (Winter 2019)
- Wenzel, A. "Teaching First-Year Writing Through Cassics"
115.1 (Fall 2019)
- McCoskey, D. E. "The Subjects of Slavery in 19th Century American Latin Schoolbooks"
114.3 (Spring 2019)
- Trusty, D. "Instructor and Student Reactions to 'A Radical Approach' to Instructing a Large Undergraduate Classical Mythology Lecture Course"
114.2 (Winter 2018)
- Keeline, T. "Latin Verse Composition: An Introductory Lesson Plan"
113.4 (Summer 2018)
- Mills, S. and Lanou, A.J. "Dionysus Synergates: Critical Thought and Interdisciplinary Learning"
113.3 (Spring 2018)
- Simmons, R.H. "Making Classics (Even More) Cool: Building a Thriving Classics Day at a University"
113.1 (Fall 2017)
- Kvapil, L. "The Real World Benefits of Teaching and Learning in Hadrian's Virtual Villa"
112.3 (Spring 2017)
- Albright, C. "Harnessing Students' Competitive Spirit: Using Reacting to the Past to Structure the Introductory Greek Culture Class"
112.2 (Winter 2016-2017)
Harnett, J. "Flavius Agricola: An Interdisciplinary Model for Senior Capstone Courses"
112.1 (Fall 2016)
- Christensen, J. and Embelton, E. "Ancient Narrative Therapy for Leadership: The Classical World and the Modern Leadership Classroom"
111.3 (Spring 2016)
- Craft, J. "Rebuilding an Empire with Minecraft: Bringing the Classics into the Digital Space"
111.1 (Special Roman Comedy Edition) (Fall 2015)
- James, S., Moore, T., Safran, M. "The 2012 NEH Summer Institute on Roman Comedy in Performance: Genesis and Reflections"
- Moodie, E. "License to Thrill: Humor and Linguistic Accuracy in Translations of Roman Comedy"
- Lippman, M. "Embodying the Mask: Exploring Ancient Roman Comedy Through Masks and Movement"
- Moore, T. and Gellar-Goad, T. "Using Music in Performing Roman Comedy"
- Klein, S. "When Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Mute Characters in Roman Comedy"
- Bungard, C. "Negotiating Mastery: Staging Status in Pseudolus"
- Safran, M. "Power Plays: 'Breaking' into Critque of Roman Comedy through Metatheater"
- Sultan, N. "Pseudolus at the Ludi Megaleneses: Re-Creating Roman Comedy in Context"
- Bexley, E. "Ludic Lessons: Roman Comedy on Stage and in Class"
110.1 (Fall 2014)
- Mulligan, B. "Coniuratio! Ethopoeia and 'Reacting to the Past' in the Latin Classroom (and Beyond)"
109.1 (Fall 2013)
- Beneker, J. "And Now for Something Completely Different: Addressing Assumptions about Myth"
108.4 (Summer 2013)
- Cheshire, K. "Under the Plane Tree: How Would Socrates Grade Papers?"
108.2 (Winter 2012-2013)
- Moore, T. "Don't Skip the Meter! Introducing Students to the Music of Roman Comedy"
108.1 (Fall 2012)
- Olson, D. "A Radical Approach to the Large Undergraduate Lecture Course"
107.4 (Summer 2012)
- Chrol, E. Del. "Pandora in the Secondary and Post-Secondary Classroom"
107.1 (Fall 2011)
- West, E.B. "Making Assessment Work for Us"
106.3 (Spring 2011)
- Griffiths, E. "Tradition and Originality: How to Deal with Classical Plagiarism"
106.1 (Fall 2010)
- Smith, H. "Euripides' Nurse: Performance as Pedagogy"