All CJ Reviews

This page contains all views entered using the new automated system for listing, starting with reviews at the beginning of 2014. For earlier reviews please follow the links on the Main Reviews Page.

14.07.06 Studies in the Historia Augusta
 +Review by Lee Fratantuono
14.07.04 Demosthenes of Athens and the Fall of Classical Greece.
 +Review by Adrian Tronson
14.07.01 Metapoetry in Euripides
 +Review by Francis M. Dunn
14.06.10 Roman Letters: An Anthology
 +Review by Kerry Lefebvre
14.06.10 Roman Letters: An Anthology
 +Review by Kerry Lefebvre
14.06.10 Women and the Roman City in the Latin West
 +Review by Celia E. Schultz
14.06.09 Die Vorsokratiker: Ausgewählt, übersetzt und erläutert.
 +Review by Alexander P. D. Mourelatos
14.06.08 Slaves to Rome: Paradigms of Empire in Roman Culture
 +Review by Jonathan Master
14.06.06 The Cambridge Companion to Cicero
 +Review by Jed W. Atkins
14.06.04 Slaves and Slavery in Ancient Greek Comic Drama
 +Review by Rosanna Lauriola
14.06.03 Oscar Wilde and Ancient Greece
 +Review by Carrie L. Sulosky Weaver
14.06.02 Roman Palmyra: Identity, Community, and State Formation
 +Review by Linda Jones Hall
14.06.01 The Oxford Handbook of Warfare in the Classical World
 +Review by Everett L. Wheeler
14.05.11 Latin Synonyms for Latin Lovers: A Select Thesaurus
 +Review by Betty Rose Nagle
14.05.09 A Companion to the Neronian Age
 +Review by Tim Stover
14.05.08 Ostia in Late Antiquity
 +Review by Jacob A. Latham
14.05.06 A Companion to Terence
 +Review by Christopher Trinacty
14.05.04 Reimagining Greek Tragedy on the American Stage
 +Review by Robert J. Rabel
14.05.02 Aristotle’s Teaching in the Politics
 +Review by Thornton C. Lockwood
14.05.01 Athens, Thrace, and the Shaping of Athenian Leadership
 +Review by Martha C. Taylor
14.04.11 Roman Theatre
 +Review by John Given
14.04.09 The Gift in Antiquity
 +Review by Christopher Eckerman
14.04.09 A Companion to Tacitus
 +Review by Ellen O'Gorman
14.04.08 Marcus Aurelius in the Historia Augusta and Beyond
 +Review by Daniel Den Hengst
14.04.06 The Classics and Colonial India
 +Review by Alun D. Williams
14.04.05 Homeric Durability: Telling Time in the Iliad
 +Review by Jonathan Ready
14.04.04 Roman Literary Culture: From Plautus to Macrobius
 +Review by Patrick Paul Hogan
14.04.02 Absolute Constructions in Early Indo-European
 +Review by D.M. Goldstein
14.03.10 A Commentary on Silius Italicus' Punica 7
 +Review by Alison Keith
14.03.09 Status in Classical Athens
 +Review by Peter Liddel
14.03.07 Libertas and the Practice of Politics in the Late Roman Republic
 +Review by Robert Morstein-Marx
14.03.06 Tragedy and Archaic Greek Thought
 +Review by Justina Gregory
14.03.05 Gendering Time in Augustan Love Elegy
 +Review by Sara H. Lindheim
14.03.02 Forms of Greek Plays: From Aeschylus to Aristophanes
 +Review by Wilfred E. Major
